Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Sugar Snow Balls

Dear Reader,
OK, you got me, they were supposed to be Sugar Snow Balls but when they came out of the oven they turned out to be Sugar Snow PATTIES! Flat as a pancake. Columbus thought that he had it hard but I dare him to try THIS recipe. I wonder if he will discover that everything can't be round as much as you want it to be.
In the process of being a chef it is normal to make tasty mistakes. And boy, did I make A LOT! First I put too much butter, and I know that if Julia Child was here she would disagree but seriously, there was way too much butter. Second, when I put the dough on the pan, I made them like cookies.... THIRD, when I took them out you are supposed to put them in a zip lock bag filled with powdered sugar. But when I put the first patty in it was so soft that it crumbled! I decided to put the patties on a plate and poured powdered sugar over them.
Columbus wanted the world to be round. I wanted my snow balls to be round. Sometimes when you wish for something, it doesn't come true. But sometimes what you get is BETTER. Like my Snow PATTIES!!!!