Monday, July 12, 2010

Make way for my Gibby!

Dear Reader,

One of my favorite stories for my mom to tell me was about a mother duck and her 8 ducklings. As the story waddles on, one of the ducklings gets lost. That duck was named Gibby and I am cooking her! First I washed her, then defrosted her in my microwave. It took longer than I thought cause she barely fit in it. I never thought that I would be disgusted by any kind of cooking, but poultry is definitely not my thing! I named her Gibby because I had to take out the giblet. I thought it would be easy but it wasn't. My mom literally had to hold the duck while I yanked it out! After washing my hands until they bled, I stuffed Gibby with onions. They aren't kidding when they say you cry when you cut onions up; I was bawling. I will have to remember this trick next time I want something. Sobbing, I stuck Gibby in the oven and had 20 minutes to create an orange sauce. 20 minutes later I took her out, flipped her over and basted her . Sadly, I had to keep repeating every 20 minutes for 3 1/2 hours! Multi-tasking, I whipped up some mashed potatoes and sauteed garlic and asparagus. Gibby taught me two very important things. Important thing number 1: It is very difficult to cook when your kitchen is being remodeled ( my mom had to stash all the pantry food in my room so if I want flour my mom tells me to look under my bed! Thanks mom!) and important thing number 2: NEVER, under ANY circumstances, EVER name your duck! You won't have the guts to eat it! Or giblets for that matter! RIP Gibby!