Monday, May 31, 2010

My First Day of cooking at 11

Dear Reader,
Hello and welcome to my blog. I am in love with the movie Julie And Julia so I have decided to make my own blog about cooking. My first entry is about beignets or french doughnuts. I had bought the mix for it at a little coffee stand in New Orleans. I made them this morning for my brother and they tasted amazing. Wait, is it OK for a cook to compliment her own food? Well, I am doing it anyways. It was fluffy and crunchy and ohhhhhh I wanted to make more! For dinner I am creating a gourmet treat! I hope nothing goes wrong!


  1. I LOVE YOUR BLOG LITTLE GIRL! I know first hand how talented you are as a foodie... you are very creative and have a natural flair for presentation. I am so proud of you and your culinary talents not to mention your witty and insightful take on the process of creating tasty treats... I have no doubt you will become a great chef one day and inspire many who follow you, your cooking advice and insight into the mysterious world of cooking . I look forward to your magic. BRAVO GIRLFRIEND! Love, MOMMY

  2. It is absolutely ok to compliment your own culinary creations. In fact, I'm an advocate for celebrating yourself all the live-long day! And coming from someone who never learned how to cook (if it weren't for my husband, I'd be eating salads and cold cereal for every meal), I truly admire your abilities.

    Keep on cookin'!

  3. Please tell us about the delicious looking item you are holding in the photo. Stuffed artichoke, perhaps? How did you make it?
    Thank you!

  4. Wow, looking at that made me VERY hungry.

  5. Do you have any ideas for chicken? I love chicken but tired of what we do and need something new.

  6. Looks delicious! What is that??? Can't wait to see more!!

  7. Hey Cissy - I think you might also really like this blog. It's cooking-related and hilarious! -Samantha

  8. I am beyond impressed. Are those stuffed artichokes? They look delicious. Cook away. Can't wait to see what's next.

  9. That's my girl! The only 11-year-old I know who eats artichokes! Nothing better than stuffed 'chokes! I love your blog, Angel--keep it up--post some recipes for all to share. Love you SOOO much!! XXOO

  10. Hello Cissy >> My name is Paul and I am a friend of your Aunt Cathy !

    Maybe we can share some awesome recipes !!! I have the best French Crepe recipe EVAR . Cissy , have fun cooking and looking forward to your 1st book .

  11. I love beignets! I went to New Orleans two years ago and bought that same mix but never made it...but now you have inspired me. By the way, I am a writer and a cook but I am so impressed you have put the two together and made a blog. Can't wait to see what's next.

  12. Congratulations! Next time we cross paths, either in Maine or California (or if you get to Florida) I'd love to taste your goodies! your first-cousin-once-removed [your mom's cousin, mary (buchanan) smith]

  13. I love to see young people cooking. Keep at it! I have so far avoided "Julie and Julia" because I didn't want to pay money to see old people my age smooching. Maybe on your recommendation I will give it a try.

  14. love it Cissy! Keep up the creating! xo

  15. Hi Cissy! There is nothing wrong with complimenting your own food! Be proud! And maybe I can send you some authentic Baltimore, Maryland recipes to spice up your cuisine even more! Happy cooking and happy're off to a good start on both!
